Great question! No. You will not need to purchase a whole body vibration machine for this program.
We can point you in the right direction AND even order one for you at special wholesale rates so you can have your brand new whole body vibration machine shipped straight to your door!
Now that we've gotten that out of the way... Here are some benefits to express how it may boost your progress:
(1) Relaxation from vibration similar to a massage (activation of parasympathetic nervous system)
(2) Improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
(3) Cell regeneration, bone growth, and healing of tissue (speeds up recovery from injury)
(4) Increases flexibility and mobility (due to triangular oscillation and vibration movement)
(5) Improves muscle tone, strength, balance, and coordination (greater results in less time)
When sitting, standing, and practicing on a whole body machine for 5-20 minutes, each muscle and joint group in your body reacts reflexively to a flow of continuous micro-adjustments, engaging and contracting.
This machine on its own is not a magic solution that will poof all your challenges away, but it can definitely help as a supporting tool to optimize your well-being. The more involved you are in practicing Kemetic Yoga and applying the other tools of Kemetic EIO in conjunction with the whole body vibration machine, the more benefits you will experience.
We regularly use a Whole Body Vibration Machine as an option in our practice. If you would like us to personally train you in person in Whole Body Vibration, look into booking us for a customized experience.
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